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Where can I learn Hebrew at Ulpan Aviv?At Ulpan Aviv you can learn Hebrew online as well as in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or in other cities in Israel.
How difficult is it to learn Hebrew?It is all a question of what language you already speak. If you speak Arabic, for instance, Hebrew would be easier than if you speak Chinese. We could say that Heberw is very well arranged and very much rule-governed so it is easy to follow its structure and act by it.
Can I learn Hebrew in three months?Yes, as it is all a question of how much effort one would put into her/his studies. With a good amount of work from the student's side and the professional teaching by Ulpan Aviv, one would be able to reach impressive results in 3 months of intensive learning.
What is the best way to learn Hebrew?The best way to learn Hebrew is with a tailor made program that would perfectly suit your academic background, your level in Hebrew and your targets in learning. If you want to improve your conversational skills, then a one to one program would be the most ideal for that.
Is it possible to learn Hebrew online?It is definitely possible to learn Hebrew online. There are a lot of students doing it from around the world with very good results. We would be happy to set up a meeting with you so we could demonstrate what that looks like at Ulpan Aviv.
How long will it take to learn Hebrew fluently?Learning a language is not anything mathematical so it is hard to assess such a prospect. Yet, we could say that with the Ulpan Aviv one on one and tailor made learning program, one would be able to advance very fast in his/her studies. We would need about 80 hours of learning to go over an efficient amount of material for one to feel comfortable enough with the Hebrew language.
What is the most difficult thing about learning Hebrew?As said, it is all a question of what language(s) one already speaks. One of the most central things about Hebrew is "the agreement principle" according to which all words in the phrase would need to "agree" with one another in terms of gender and number.
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